Linked Data and the Semantic Web for Humanities research (LiSeH2019)
- 23.-27.4.2019
- Graz, Austria
The spring school is co-organized by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Centre for Information Modelling – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz.
It is part of the ‘Training Digital Scholars: Knowledge Exchange between V4 and Austria’ Series financed by the Visegrad Fund, in collaboration with the ‘ELEXIS’ Horizon 2020 project and the Erasmus+ project ‘DigiCulture’.
The school will give an introduction to the concepts related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data and will give an overview of semantic web technologies and tools with a special focus on application scenarios in the Humanities:
- Identifying standards and technologies
- RDF and triples
- Semantic querying: SPARQL and triple stores
- Linked data curation
- Knowledge Representation and Ontologies
- Linked Data in Linguistics
- Modelling cultural heritage data