Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region
- 4.-7.6.2019
- Helsinki, Finland
ELEXIS supported and was presented at the Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region in Helsinki, Finland.
The theme of the 2019 conference was Dictionaries – by whom, for whom and why? Other topics in lexicography and dictionary work was also discussed. In addition, a theme section on the construction of etymological web resources for Finnish and Scandinavian languages was held.
There were three plenary speakers:
- Anna Helga Hannesdóttir (University of Gothenburg) – Challenges of the bilingual lexicography so far
- Iztok Kosem (“Jozef Stefan” Institute, ELEXIS) – Responsive dictionaries: bringing dictionaries (and lexicographers) and users closer together
- Nina Martola (Institute for the Languages of Finland) – The bilingual dictionary – an absurd commitment
For further information, please see the official conference page.