Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography @LREC2022
- 20.6.2022
- online & onsite:
Marseille, France
ELEXIS is co-organising a full-day workshop held in conjunction with LREC 2022 as a hybrid event on June 20, 2022.
The GLOBALEX Workshop at LREC will elaborate the theme of linking data across lexicographic resources and with other lexical resources, in the aim of enhancing language data methodologies and applications.
Linking lexicographic data sets to each other and to other language resources, and in particular the interoperability of lexicography with Linked Data (LD) technologies, have gained substantial attention in recent years, becoming a subject of projects for research and collaboration between academia and industry, including support of the public sector. Most notably, the W3C community group on Ontology-Lexica (OntoLex) was formed with the mission to “develop models for the representation of lexica (and machine-readable dictionaries) relative to ontologies”. The ensuing OntoLex-lemon model has served since 2016 as the leading option for conversion of lexicographic data into LD, and was updated with the lexicog module released in 2019.
Call for Papers
Besides general research papers, GWLL 2022 will include two tracks combined with shared tasks:
- Linking Monolingual Lexicographic Resources – in conjunction with a shared task conducted by ELEXIS.
- Linking Bilingual and Multilingual Lexicographic Resources – in conjunction with the 5th TIAD shared task
Task 1 will be evaluated on novel dictionary linking data developed by the ELEXIS project and cover linking for the following languages: Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, German, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Slovene and Spanish.
Task 2 will host the 5th edition of the Translation Inference Across Dictionaries (TIAD) shared task – whose previous editions were co-located at Language, Data and Knowledge conferences (2017, 2019, 2021), and at LREC (2020) – with the aim to explore methods and techniques for automatically generating new bilingual (and multilingual) dictionaries from existing ones, including validation of results and comparison of the processes used. The participating systems are invited to generate new translations automatically among English, French and Portuguese (and other languages are expected to be added during the preparation phase), based on known translations contained in the Apertium RDF graph.
Background. This full-day event constitutes the fourth iteration in the successful GLOBALEX @ LREC workshop series – following up on the first Workshop on Lexicographic Resources and Human Language Technology at LREC 2016 and the second Workshop on Lexicography & Wordnets at LREC 2018 (as well as the third Workshop on Linked Lexicography that was due as part of LREC 2020). GLOBALEX Workshop @ LREC 2022 is supported by the Global Alliance for Lexicography (Globalex), ELEXIS, NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science, COST Action CA18206, and TIAD.
Topics. We invite proposals for papers and demonstrations on the main topic of linking lexicographic resources, as well as on standards for the development, representation, evaluation and dissemination of lexicographic resources, and the interoperability of lexicography with other disciplines and external resources and domains including computer-assisted language learning and translation, neural machine translation, terminology, multilinguality, natural language processing and understanding, automatic language generation, linguistic linked (open) data and semantic web technologies, knowledge systems, deep learning and (explainable) artificial/augmented intelligence.
- Linking monolingual dictionaries and lexicographic resources
- Linking bilingual dictionaries and lexicographic resources
- Linking multilingual dictionaries and lexicographic resources
- Linking lexicographic data with other lexical data resources
- Applications and developments of the OntoLex-lemon model and Lexicog module
- RDF serializations of lexicographic data
- Non-RDF data formats for linked lexicographic resources
- RDF and XML standards for linked lexicography
- Converting lexicographic data for linking purposes
- Linked Data-native lexicographic resources
- Automated generation of lexicographic resources based on Linked Data technologies
- Lexicography, terminology and Linguistic Linked (Open) Data
- Linked lexicography and the Semantic Web
- Linked lexicography and the Multilingual Digital Single Market
- Linked lexicography and Knowledge Systems
- Linked lexicography and Artificial/Augmented Intelligence
- Linked lexicography, deep learning and neural networks
Submission and Timetable
We invite you to submit a 1,000-word abstract. Accepted proposals will be invited to submit a full (short or long) paper to be included in the LREC proceedings. Templates and author instructions are available here. Please note these important dates:
- April 8, 2022 Abstract submission deadline
- April 29, 2022 Notification
- May 27, 2022 Full paper submission deadline
- June 20, 2022 Workshop day
The TIAD shared task (Task 2) submission dates are as follows:
January 10, 2022 technical description of the evaluation process
and data provided by the organizers - April 10, 2022 submission of results by participating systems
- April 29, 2022 evaluation results communicated by the organizers
- May 27, 2022 submission of system description papers
Detailed information about the workshop: