Start date
- 16.07.2018
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
We are pleased to announce that there will be a strong presence of ELEXIS at the EURALEX congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia:
- Simon Krek will give a presentation on ELEXIS on Wednesday, July 18th (9:00-10:00).
- ELEXIS will also be presented in the poster session.
- ELEXIS is co-organising two pre-conference workshops, to be held on 16th July 2018 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana:
- wnlex Workshop: WordNet as Lexicographical Resource
- TEI-Lex-0 Workshop: Developing a Baseline Encoding for Lexical Data
ELEXIS is also one of the main sponsors of the congress, providing video recording of the keynote talks and several other presentations.
More information on the EURALEX congress can be found here.