electronic Lexicography: Smart Lexicography (eLex2019)

  • Date
  • 1. – 3.10.2019
  • Location
  • Vila GalĆ© Hotel
    Sintra, Portugal

ELEXIS is co-organising the 6th biennial conference on electronic lexicography,Ā eLexĀ 2019: Smart Lexicography.

Language of the conference: English

Early bird registration has begun and lasts until June 30th 2019.

The conference aims to investigate different aspects of what we named ā€œsmart lexicographyā€:
In the last decade, the use of mobile devices such as smartphones has increased considerably. Yet many dictionaries are still not adapted suitably for these digital formats, which is worrying considering that the majority of users uses mobile devices on a daily basis (as shown also by the recent European survey on dictionary use). How can this situation be improved? What are (some of) the main difficulties faced by dictionary makers?

Conference workshops: Suggestions for pre- or post-conference workshops are very welcome!

You are invited to submit an abstract to the workshop
ā€œCollocations in Lexicography: existing solutions and future challengesā€,
which will be held in conjuction with eLex 2019 in Sintra, Portugal, onĀ 30 September 2019.
The workshop is organised by Iztok Kosem and Polona Gantar, and supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and ELEXIS.

Detailed information about the workshop:



CELGA-ILTEC, University of Coimbra /Ā University of Lisbon

Margarita Correia has a PhD in Portuguese Linguistics from the University of Lisbon, and a Post-Doc in Computational Lexicography at the Federal University of SĆ£o Carlos (UFSCar ā€“ Brazil). She has been a professor at the Department of General and Romance Languages of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon since 1990, where she has taught several courses (including Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology) at undergraduate and graduate levels.

She is a member of the Direction Board of the Centre for General and Applied Linguistics Studies (CELGA-ILTEC, University of Coimbra), where she coordinates the research group Lexicon and Computational Modeling.

She works mainly in Applied Linguistics, with a focus on Lexicography, Terminology, Neology and Language Policy. With JosĆ© Pedro Ferreira, she directed the projects VOP ā€“ VocabulĆ”rio OrtogrĆ”fico do PortuguĆŖs [the Spelling Dictionary of Portuguese] (1st and 2nd edition) and Lince ā€“ Conversor para a Nova Ortografia [Spelling Converter] (2010), which are official instruments for the implementation of the 1990 spelling reform in Portugal. With JosĆ© Pedro Ferreira and Gladis Maria de Barcellos Almeida, she coordinated the VOC ā€“ VocabulĆ”rio OrtogrĆ”fico Comum da LĆ­ngua Portuguesa [the Common Spelling Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, Ferreira, Correia, & Almeida (Orgs.) 2017)], under the supervision of the Instituto Internacional da LĆ­ngua Portuguesa (IILP) [International Institute of the Portuguese Language]. Since 2018, she is the president of the Scientific Board of the IILP.




Matt Kohl began his career at the Oxford English DictionaryĀ (http://www.oed.com/). He then continued working at the Oxford University Press in the field of language technology, where he lead the development of LEAP (Lexical Engine and Platform), a platform to store, optimise and deliver lexical data for projects such as Oxford Global Languages. This work also laid foundations for theĀ Oxford dictionaries API program. He has since transitioned into software and knowledge engineering, and is currently helping to build out the data architecture at GeoPhy (https://geophy.com/) . Matt is the creator of The Right Rhymes (https://therightrhymes.com/), a hip-hop dictionary based on rap lyrics. He lives and works in London.

Matt Kohl is the winner of theĀ Adam Kilgarriff Prize.


Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities

Alexander Geyken works at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities (BBAW) since 1999 where he directs the long-term research project ā€œDigital Dictionary of the German Languageā€ (DWDS) as well as the Berlin part of the ā€œZentrum fĆ¼r digitale Lexikographie der deutschen Spracheā€ (ZDL). He received his Ph.D. in ā€œComputational Linguisticsā€ at the University of Munich in 1998, and obtained his habilitation (post-doctoral degree) in 2017 in the field of ā€œLinguisticsā€ at the University of Potsdam, where also holds a teaching position since May 2018. His main research interests are computational lexicography, corpus linguistics as well as the use of syntactic and semantic resources for the mining of large textual data.


SIL International

David Baines began working with SIL in the Philippines in 2000 and later worked with SIL in Chad. He joined the Language Software Development department of SIL International in 2007 as a software tester for FieldWorks. Many of his roles at SIL have included liaison between linguists and developers. For the past couple of years he has been importing dictionaries from Shoebox/Toolbox into FieldWorks prior to publication on Webonary and as mobile apps. Part of his current role is to design interactions between translatorsā€™ software and FieldWorks so that the translators can make the fullest use of linguistic data.Ā  He has a particular interest in finding beneficial partnerships between SIL and other individuals or organisations and has encouraged SIL International to apply for Observer status with ELEXIS.


Wroclaw University of Technology

Maciej Piasecki is an Assistant Professor at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Department of Computational Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science and Management), Poland, the Polish National Coordinator of CLARIN (clarin.eu) (European language technology research infrastructure), the Chair of CLARIN ERIC National Coordinators Forum (since 04.2018) and the coordinator of CLARIN-PL (clarin-pl.eu) (Polish consortium, a part of CLARIN). He is the leader of G4.19 Research Group: Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (nlp.pwr.edu.pl) ā€“ one of the largest Polish research teams in these areas. The main mission of G4.19 is development of open robust language technology for Polish, both in monolingual and bilingual setting.
Since 2008 he has been or is a coordinator of 14 large projects or their work packages (national and funded from EU structural funds, including 3 projects in cooperation with companies) on language technology and its different applications . He is also a member of the DARIAH-PL Board (dariah.pl) and Global WordNet Association Board.
His main research areas include Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Engineering and Human Language Technology. The main research topics are: automated extraction of the lexico-semantic knowledge from text, semi-automated wordnet expansion, Distributional Semantics, relational lexical semantics and shallow semantic processing of text. He has also been working on morpho-syntactic processing of Polish (a co-author of the first publicly available morpho-syntactic tagger of Polish, with many applications), Information Extraction, Question Answering, Formal Semantics and Machine Translation. He has been the leader of the Polish wordnet project: plWordNet (plwordnet.pwr.edu.pl) ā€“ the largest language resource of this type in the world.