ELEXIS Observer Event Vienna
- 18.-19.2.2019
- Austrian Center for Digital Humanities (ACDH)
Sonnenfelsgasse 19
1010 Vienna
ELEXIS is organising its observer event in Vienna, Austria. It will take place on the 18th and 19th February and is intended primarily for representatives of institutions that have become observers or intend to apply for observer status in the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS). Important topics that will be covered in the agenda:
- Presentation of ELEXIS Horizon 2020 project (2018-2022)
- Presentation of (new) ELEXIS online tools and services
- ELEXIS observers’ role, rights and obligations
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues, copyright
- Lexicographic standards used and produced by ELEXIS
- Project afterlife, new European infrastructure for lexicographers
Registration is free and open until Monday, 4.2.2019. Spots are filling up, so it is suggested to register as soon as possible.